The Creepypasta of Death

I was simply browsing the creepypasta website, reading good and terrible creepypastas. I read one called "The Challenge", and to dumb it down, some girl called Lucinda was in a forest and a monster came out, and it didn't SAY she died, but you could tell. I read a bunch of those terrible creepypastas.
Extremely cliche trying to be good. I then read "Power Rangers The Lost Episode" and I knew straight away it should go to the trollpasta wiki, so I said so.
A bunch of pasta caught my attention, but none of them were worthy reading material. Except one... it was called "Of Death". It seemed interesting, the title not giving away much. Not giving away anything actually. I clicked it, not knowing I would fully regret it.
The page was blank, yet when I looked at the scrollbar, there was so much to scroll. I scrolled down.
The writing was red, and bleeding hyperrealistically. I know that is cliche, but it was true, it really happened. My screen started cracking and it looked like my screen was flooding with this blood. I screamed and my mum came in. But I saw behind her, the face of evil.
"MUM!" I shouted, pointing behind her, but when she looked back, it took her away. I cried and the screen broke, destroying my computer once and for all. Electricity touched it, killing me. Now I am dead, and warning you now, do not go on any creepypasta called Of Death.
Also on this trollpasta, should be found soon.
But what about me you ask? Don't worry. I have found my mother. I am fine.
You... are not.